Our Alpha Theta training both enhances your current meditation practice and assists those who have found it difficult to turn off their “busy” brains.
What is Deep State or Alpha Theta Training?
Once basic brain stability has been achieved for a client, we often will introduce Alpha/Theta or Deep State training into their program.
It can be an especially valuable tool for resolutiion of trauma, without necessitating actively revisiting their traumatic experiences and for people struggling with addiction issues, often based in trauma.

The learning involved in Alpha/Theta occurs during twilight states. These states are a natural part of the sleep-wake cycle. When we are awake we have a lot of beta activity, which helps us stay focused and on task during the day. At night we have a high frequency of delta, the sleep wave.
We transition from beta, to alpha, to theta to delta as night comes and we fall into deep sleep. The transition into sleep creates a state of mind that mixes reality with subconscious images.
When there is a predominance of theta, the focus is on the internal world. Alpha can therefore be seen as a bridge between the inner and outer worlds. Alpha/Theta training promotes twilight states that may evoke hypnagogic imagery. Some clients report striking imagery and deep insights about their life. Traumatic events can be safely re-experienced.

Alpha was the first brain wave to be named and trained. Alpha states are often associated with meditation and deep states of calm. In 1975 Benson’s research showed that increases in alpha resulted in increased relaxation.
Research has been done into Zen monks that have found established differences in their brains due to meditation. Alpha/theta (A/T) training, alpha enhancement training, and alpha synchrony training also all have non-clinical applications in peak performance training.
If you want…
- Profound calm, mental stillness and to be naturally mindful and present
- Greater physical and mental energy
- Improved focus and concentration
- Increased creativity and problem solving ability
- Improved interpersonal skills
- Improved relationships with spouses, children and work colleagues
- Peak performance in academics, business, performing arts, sports
- Access to your unconscious to release all emotional blocks and empower your dreams
- Deeply heal and integrate your personality
You will feel more…
- Happy
- Confident
- Optimistic
- Calm
- Clear headed and switched on