Chemical Imbalance Theory

What is the "chemical Imbalance" Theory?

Neurotransmitters 2 basics

The “chemical imbalance” theory ( I stress the word theory) has long been touted as an explanation for various mental health disorders, suggesting that imbalances in neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine are the root cause of conditions like depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. You’ve seen it on WebMD and on TV commercials for medications. However, despite its widespread acceptance, the theory lacks solid scientific validation.

Sure, some researchers have pointed to changes in neurotransmitter levels in people with mental health disorders. But those changes often happen as a result of the disorder, not the other way around. Plus, not everyone with the same diagnosis responds the same way to medication, which doesn’t quite fit the “chemical imbalance” narrative.

Experts like Dr. Ronald Pies, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Tufts University and Lecturer on Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, have been sounding the alarm, saying we need to look beyond this oversimplified theory. Mental health is way more complicated than just neurotransmitter levels. Genetics, environment, life experiences—they all play a role in how mental health issues develop. 

Neurons, pulsating with electrical energy (the currency of the brain and body) are responsible for how we think and act. Neurotransmitters serve a vital function in supporting that activity. They are not the drivers of our behavior, brain circuits are.  Proper balance of the activity of those neurons will determine how you feel and act.

Neurofeedback brain training, to improve its performance, combined with good nutrition, restorative sleep, proper work/life balance, supportive relationships, and time in nature, all combine to support what is, obviously, an integrated system of health.

So, it’s time for a more holistic approach—one that takes into account all the factors that contribute to mental health. By understanding the bigger picture, we can provide better support, a more personalized approach for those struggling with brain performance challenges.

Additional reading

The Balanced Brain

Schedule a discovery call today if you want to learn more about how we can help you achieve optimum health and well-being. We’ll be happy to answer any questions and start designing a custom treatment plan that’s just right for you. During this call, we can discuss your symptoms and questions and develop a tailored plan.

Neurofeedback in Los Angeles

The Balanced Brain offers neurofeedback training to improve cognitive abilities and overall brain health in North Hollywood, Los Angeles. 

11650 Riverside Dr Suite 4, North Hollywood, CA 91602, United States

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DISCLAIMER:  The information in this page is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content is for general informational purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/health professional. 

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